"The Destroyer of Worlds" is a full Cinema Mode storyline for The RPG Alien written by science fiction novelist Andrew E.C. Gaska. In this adventure, players play as Colonial Marines. The scenario is designed for 3 to 5 players plus Mom, and consists of a real succession of almost insurmountable challenges. Plan at least three game sessions to overcome it.
Game in French
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"The Destroyer of Worlds" is a full Cinema Mode storyline for The RPG Alien written by science fiction novelist Andrew E.C. Gaska. In this adventure, players play as Colonial Marines. The scenario is designed for 3 to 5 players plus Mom, and consists of a real succession of almost insurmountable challenges. Plan at least three game sessions to overcome it.
This box contains:
- The "Destroyer of Worlds" scenario booklet
- A huge double-sided map (86.4 x 55.8 cm) showing the Ariarcus colony on one side and the Fort Nebraska base housing the orbital elevator on the other.
- Seven pre-drawn characters to choose from.
- Maps for weapons, vehicles and personal objectives.
- Maps and game aids for players.
NOTE: The Alien Basic Book, RPG (or Starter Kit) is required for player in the "Destroyer of Worlds" scenario.
Age | from 14 years old |
Numbers of players | 2 3 4 5 6 |
Language | French |
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