Poule Poule - ext. Même pas Pâques


The assembly of the film Poule-Poule continues, and introduces new actors: the famous Easter Bunny, who likes to mess up the countdown, while Chocotte, the cute Chocolate Hen, simply wants to cover her Egg (if he is Easter!), not to mention Vincent, the father, who kept repeating Eggs into Easter Eggs... So, Easter or not even Easter?

Game in french, english from 8 years old

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The assembly of the film Poule-Poule continues, and introduces new actors: the famous Easter Bunny, who likes to mess up the countdown, while Chocotte, the cute Chocolate Hen, simply wants to cover her Egg (if he is Easter!), not to mention Vincent, the father, who kept repeating Eggs into Easter Eggs... So, Easter or not even Easter?

Age from 8 years old
Numbers of players 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Average playtime +20 minutes
Language English French
Catégorie Board Games Marque Oka Luda Editions EAN13 3701273300053
Poule Poule - ext. Même pas Pâques - OKA-OKPPA - Oka Luda Editions - Board Games - Le Nuage de Charlotte
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