Greenville 1989


Greenville 1989 is a narrative, horror co-op game where players take on the role of members of a teenage gang in a small American town. After a strange event, you find yourself in a Greenville depopulated of its inhabitants. Your goal: find your friends to go out together.

Game in french, english, Dutchfrom 16 years old

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Greenville 1989 is a cooperative, narrative, horror game for players over the age of 16. In this game, you play the roles of 6 ordinary American teenagers, Julius, Brandon, Kim, Cindy, Marty, Manelle who live in a small isolated town at the end of the 80s. free time to cheat boredom watching old VHS and exploring the surroundings for the big thrill.

As you join your friends at a Bowling Party, you see your life take an odd turn to say the least: you are thrown into an alternate Greenville void of its inhabitants and eerie paranormal phenomena unfold before your eyes. As you try to understand the situation, you find that you can communicate by thought. Without wasting a moment, you make mental contact with your friends to set them up on a date. The adventure of your life begins ...

Greenville 1989, a cooperative and narrative game

Greenville 1989 is a cooperative game where you and your friends win or lose together. You will take turns matching cards to all the players who will need to find out who they've been matched to in order to continue the adventure unharmed!

Your goal is simple: you must try to meet at the meeting place fixed to go out together.

Greenville 1989 also has an important narrative component. As the game progresses, you will not only need to describe what is on your cards, but also your character's intentions. Let the narrator who is camping inside you speak, in order to invent the rest of your adventure according to your creativity.

Greenville 1989, a game over several rounds

For a part of Greenville 1989, you will need to allow between 20 and 40 minutes. A game is played over several rounds, each comprising 4 game phases.

The narration phase: Each player describes his most recent card, but also the intentions of his character (flee, fight, look for a vehicle, move in a building,…). The Guide phase: The Guide, the master of the game, draws cards and reveals them around the Passages to the Other World board.

The wandering phase: The other players work together to try to find the right associations. The resolution phase: The Guide reveals its associations in order to determine the fate of the gang. If the match is good, you are approaching the meeting point and victory. But if it is bad, you slowly slide into the Otherworld passage, which is synonymous with defeat.

Greenville 1989, a binary outcome

In this game, the whole group has to get by. A game ends in two diametrically opposed ways.

Victory: if all players have 4 cards placed in front of them.

Defeat: If a Character token reaches the last space of one of the three passages to the Other World.

Age from 16 years old
Manufacturing Poland
Numbers of players 3 4 5 6
Average playtime +15 minutes
Language Dutch English French
Catégorie Board Games Marque Sorry We Are French EAN13 7111609952751
Greenville 1989 - SWF-NOV000067 - Sorry We Are French - Board Games - Le Nuage de Charlotte
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