Alien Artifacts

SKU MAT-114129

Mankind has rushed into space, exploring distant lands and developing new knowledge, new cultures and new civilizations.

The discovery of artifacts from an alien race accelerated this development and sowed discord among factions. The known universe is on the brink of conflict. Alien Artifacts is a card game set in a sci-fi world in which players lead interstellar factions.

Game in French from 14 years old

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Alien Artifacts is a 4X-style card game in which you play as an interplanetary faction, sending your research ships into uncharted space to increase your knowledge and power. Build efficient ships, develop new technologies and explore distant planets that you can exploit.

Alien Artifacts are built on a resource system - each turn you will have 3 Resource cards in hand and you will decide how best to spend them. Each card has two different types of resources that you can use. You can only use one side and only two cards per turn! Using these resources, you can build ships, develop technology, discover planets, or collect currency!

The new ships allow you to attack aliens and earn valuable artifacts that provide significant bonuses. With each new tech card, you will have access to more actions, bonuses and points opportunities. Each planet you explore provides valuable resources for future actions.

There are two sides to each of these cards, and you will be able to play them in two ways: Logistics - earn permanent bonuses that will make your Empire stronger and help you build faster or operational - score victory points . Manage your resources, build the right maps, make wise choices. Win!

Alien Artifacts delivers a true 4X experience in less than an hour. With more than two hundred cards, you will have many possible strategies and good renewal capacity.

Content: 240 cards, 10 wooden tokens, 6 faction boards, 1 score board, 38 blockade tokens, 1 1st token player, 1 turn token, 5 player aid tiles, 1 basic defense plan tile, 1 rulebook

Authors: Marcin Ropka, Viola Kijonska

Illustrations: Evan Lee

Age from 14 years old
Manufacturing Poland
Numbers of players 2 3 4 5
Average playtime +60 minutes
Language French
Catégorie Board Games Marque Matagot EAN13 3760146644359
Alien Artifacts - MAT-114129 - Matagot - Board Games - Le Nuage de Charlotte
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