Yum Yum Island

SKU SPC-191249

On Yum Yum Island, pigs, beavers, pandas, kittens and other animals live in harmony. One day, Ferdinand the giant arrives and devours all the food on the island ...

Luckily, a squadron of pelicans passing by decided to fly to the rescue of the animals.

Game in french • from 6 years old

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Yum Yum Island is a cooperative game in which players have to drop food into the mouths of animals… but without seeing anything!

Once an animal is fully fed, it is saved. The game is won if all the animals are saved before the giant's throat is full.

A hilarious game to experience as a family!

Authors : Laurent Escoffier, Julien Lois

Age from 6 years old
Numbers of players 2 3 4 5
Average playtime +20 minutes
Language French
Reward As d’Or-Jeu de l’Année (Nominated)
Catégorie Board Games Marque Space Cow EAN13 3558380068228
Yum Yum Island - SPC-191249 - Space Cow - for the little ones - Le Nuage de Charlotte
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