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SKU CUP-01035

Guidez votre tribu de singes

En 2083, l’humanité s’est éteinte depuis plusieurs décennies. Dans ce monde délaissé, les singes se regroupent en tribus et apprivoisent les objets humains. À la tête d’une de ces tribus, vous devez la guider sur la voie de l’intelligence collective.

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Place your cards next to each other to create lines that yield resources, victory points and special effects. The right arrangement of your cards is the key to winning this tense race for points.

- An original activation line system
- A game that can be played from 1 to 6 in a short time (45 minutes)
- A magnificent artistic direction by Vincent Dutrait

Age from 14 years old
Numbers of players 1 2 3 4 5 6
Average playtime +45 minutes
Language French
Types of game Board Deckbuilding Race
Catégorie Board Games Marque Catch Up EAN13 3760273010355
After Us
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